ThomasNATION Reviews - Thomas' Fuzzy Friend

June 30, 2020

Hey all, JF here, and I’m gonna start this review off by saying that as a dog owner, I absolutely adore canines. So an episode about Thomas and a dog seems right up my alley. So is this episode worth the watch, or does it deserve the Bob Barker treatment? Let’s begin.
Thomas' Fuzzy Friend | Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia | Fandom
The episode is about Thomas finding a stray dog at Knapford, and the rest of the episode is him trying to find the little guy a home.

Yeah, the story isn’t really much to go crazy over, but it’s in the execution where it works. For starters, the episode is pretty funny. The humor mainly consists of the silly antics of the dog, which are pulled off very well. The opening in particular has a gag with Gordon being interrupted by the dog barking that I absolutely love…but then it gets pretty juvenile where the dog starts peeing on James, which completely fell flat and felt out of place in the series…but then again we had episodes where Jerome got seagull crap smeared all over him and Dart saying “messy big poo”, so this isn’t too big a deal. 

Another thing about the story I like is the use of continuity. You may recall the Season 19 episode Thomas the Babysitter, and the baby Thomas carried around named…well, Thomas. Here, we see Little Thomas again, but as a young child, and I love that. It's a great display of cohesion and I'm just gonna say, the kid's kind of precious.
And of course, you have the dog, Fuzzy. And I’m just gonna say it, this dog is adorable as hell. Not only are his shenanigans just a lot of fun to watch, but he also just looks adorable. I would legit hug this dog if I could. I also like how it’s Nia that introduces us to the dog, since she was always established as the animal expert of the crew.

So all in all, is Thomas’ Fuzzy Friend a good episode? Absolutely. Is it as good as Thomas and the Royal Engine? No, but it comes somewhat close. This episode is an absolute must-watch for dog lovers, since they’d get a massive kick out of this more than anyone. For those that aren’t, I still recommend checking it out. So in conclusion, this episode earns a 4.5/5.

Final Score: 4.5/5

About the Author: JF the LOLZOR

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