
ThomasNATION Reviews - Thomas and Percy's Eggselent Adventure

April 09, 2023


Ever since Percy first came to the Island of Sodor to help out Edward in the yard when the big engines went on strike in the original Thomas & Friends series, he has made so many great friends whether they ride the rails or roads or hover in the air but his best friend on the North Western Railway has always been the Number 1 Engine himself Thomas. Sure, they may get into disagreements from time to time but they always find a way to strengthen their friendship in the end with a happy toot of their 'best friends whistle' as they tell each other everything. As for Thomas and Percy's friendship in this new chapter of the franchise and I cannot believe I'm saying this but, if there's one thing that the reboot does that the original series doesn't, it's the focus on Thomas and Percy's friendship. Outside of a few episodes like Season 12's 'Best Friends' which I have already reviewed before (see below), their status as best friends didn't really seem important. Compare that to the reboot where there are quite a few episodes where their friendship is the focus while we actually see their bond tested and how they have to come back together in the end with each of these conflicts being pretty intriguing regardless of the episodes' quality. So, let's get cracking (no pun intended) and see how Thomas and Percy's friendship gets tested this time and if it's really a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake...well, if the way is hazy, of course.

I think it's safe to say that once the Classic Series of Thomas ended and Hit Entertainment took control of the television series, one of the things that many long time fans feel like they threw out the window was the sense of railway safety. No brake vans or tail lamps at the end of trains, leaving trains in the middle of the tracks, unhygienic transportation of food...and this is only just a handful of what we were given during the Hit Era! With this in mind, you can imagine that it's honestly upsetting to see that nothing has been learned from the Hit Era in terms of the safe way of delivering food since we have Thomas delivering these fragile ingredients for the Vicarstown Bake-Off not in refrigerated vans in order to keep them cool but on a flatbed of all things where it can easily spoil at any moment. Oh, and need I mention the scene where Thomas and Percy go slip-sliding away down their custom slide made out of Percy's roofing supplies that we never saw him deliver? 

So yeah, you'd think I would hate this episode just from those reasons alone, right? Actually, no; yeah, the reasons for why many long time fans would hate this episode bug me too but the many different egg puns by Percy do get a chuckle out of me and the way that the conflict of not having enough ingredients for the bake-off is thus resolved by doing a bake-in instead reminded me of the My Little Pony episode 'MMMystery On The Friendship Express' which is one of my favorite episodes of the series. So while it may not win first prize, 'Thomas And Percy's Eggsellent Adventure' still accomplished what it tried to do and the mission is still considered a success thus I'm giving this egg-cellent adventure a rating of a 3.5/5. Happy Easter and remember - be eggselent to each other!

Final Rating: 3.5/5

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