ThomasNATION Reviews - Sandy Versus the Storm
January 13, 2024
Of all the characters in All Engines Go!, Sandy is the one who I genuinely have no opinion on. I mean, she's alright, she's not without her funny moments and she has a cute dynamic with Carly. If anything, I should be glad she's not Carly's daugher like I told in my first look post (which I'm still not over, how does that work?). But today, we come to her second leading role: Sandy Versus the Storm. Will the little speeder be able to hold an episode on her own...again? Let's begin.
Sodor is hit by - what else? - a storm, leaving Thomas and co. to sort out the deliveries against the rough conditions. But with all the accidents the crew have in their journey, it's up to Sandy and Carly to save the day.
One problem I have with the episode is that the plot is pretty repetitive. The story follows not one, but two formulas that take up each half. The first features the engines breaking down and Carly and Sandy repairing them, while the other features each of the engines' repairs going awry one by one. As a result, the episode becomes a little predictable, but to be fair, by the end they do drop the formulas in favor of a decent climax. It's not fantastic, as it does end up feeling a bit rushed, but it's still fun enough.
But the main reason why Sandy Versus the Storm works is because of...well, Sandy. While she retains her typical energetic, machine-savvy persona, this episode shows an interesting angle we don't see often in Thomas: it shows that the other engines kinda take her for granted. It's a great idea that presents her in a different light, on top of giving the characters a brilliant arc to overcome.
Overall, I would have to call Sandy Versus the Storm a decent episode. There isn't a whole lot to it, due to its formulaic plot, but how it presents the title character holds it up a good amount. Irregardless of whether or not you like Sandy, it's a pretty harmless watch, which is why I'm gonna give it a 3.5/5. Not the best way to spend eight minutes, but it won't do ya any harm...unless Sandy killed your grandma. It happens.
Final Score: 3.5/5