The Way She Does It: ThomasNATION Review (by SunilFan48 and Team)

December 08, 2016

Hello, its me, Chris. I know this review is a bit late, but here's what I think of the second Daisy episode for Season 20: The Way She Does It.

We start with a beautiful shot and music as we slowly zoom in to Daisy’s shed as The Fat Controller pulls up to the area. We get told that Daisy is going to take some entertainers to their show in Harwick. Daisy is most excited and after being told to look her best, rushes off. She quickly proceeds to parade around Sodor telling all she sees about her special. Slowly getting more and more grandiose in her thoughts each time.

I must say here I find Thomas’ subtle Misty Island plug rather hilarious, as well as Oliver and Duck’s reaction to her fanciful way of speaking. Even the bit with Ryan is funny to laugh at. And we even see her talking to “Champion” which is another hilarious touch. 

Cut to the next day when she is out doing her job when certain passengers want to board her with various items or things that would quite possibly cause her to look messy. So what does the diva diesel railcar do? Simply refuses to pick them up and carries on without them! Much to the dismay of the passengers. (Seriously with how many times this has happened on Sodor by now, I’m surprised no one has sued!)...

Eventually Daisy arrives at Knapford and after making a snide remark about a parcel car, her entertainers arrived. She is shocked to find out they are much less grand than she thought, and then she is outright horrified when she sees that parcel car is going to be coupled to her! She then simply leaves without the car, and poor Stafford trying to chase after her with it, but knows his battery won’t make it. 

Daisy soon arrives at Harwick and finds out that it is a children’s puppet show AND she left the puppet stand behind. The Fat Controller arrives with the other passengers on Bertie, and scolds her severely for this big mess. Realizing that the children would be very upset if she didn’t do something, so she graciously allows them to preform inside her. Then we see the puppet show being done, making some remarks about Daisy, and eventually she starts to laugh with everyone.

This is a marvellous episode for Daisy, as she shows that despite all her grandiose ideas and worry about her image, she still does care and wants to be really useful. Some say that the beginning took a bit too much time to get going, but I say it was necessary. We needed to see how much she let the ideas go to her head, so that it was more entertaining to see her disappointed and why she went to the extreme of not letting passengers board. Not much wrong with this one.

Overall I find that this episode is full of great comedy, and a very nice character piece for Daisy; Other characters play a nice role, and the story works well in conveying the moral and the actions that take place. Certainly a nice watch from Davey Moore, and another one of a fantastic Season 20! 

Rating: 4.5/5

The other members of #ThomasNATION quite liked the episode, with the highest rating being 4.6/5 and the lowest being 4/5. Others were 4.2/5 and 4.3/5, mine being 4.5/5.

ThomasNATION Rating: 4.32/5

About The Author: 
Chris - @SunilFan48
Follow Me on Twitter!

Stay Tuned for review of "The Missing Breakdown Train," "Mucking About," "Cautious Connor" and "Three Steam Engines Gruff" - Coming Soon!
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