ThomasNATION Reviews - Sonny's Second Chance

July 08, 2020

While the Island Of Sodor was abuzz with excitement over the arrival of a technology fair at Ulfstead Castle, it came as a surprise for all the engines when a new well-tank engine named Sonny carrying two thieves named Baz and Bernie arrived on the railway to steal the new inventions from the fair and claim them as their own for money...but with Thomas' help while showing him the way to the dairy, Sonny soon learned what it truly means to be a really useful engine and eventually stood up to Baz and Bernie only to be used as a distraction while they escaped on the visiting Kenji Of Japan with Ruth's hovercar plans which made it very hard for the engines to trust their new friend after what hadn't been his fault at all.  Can Sonny find a way to prove himself a trustworthy engine to everyone on the railway, not if Diesel has anything to say about it...let's go go go on a big adventure as we put our trust in 'Sonny's Second Chance'!

SONNY'S SECOND CHANCE: Sonny is trying to prove himself to be a useful engine so that he can stay working on Sodor, but nobody seems to trust him...nobody apart from Diesel that is, but can Diesel be trusted?

Ever since his debut back in the 'Marvelous Machinery' double-length special, I've really liked Sonny as a character as well as what we saw of him here in this episode because you can actually feel sorry for him since he was a thief in the past when helping Baz and Bernie steal the plans for Ruth's hovercar from the technology fair despite seeing the error of his ways with Thomas' help hence why he now wants to prove that he's a trustworthy engine yet the other engines such as Gordon and James didn't think he deserves any kind of forgiveness whether from the events of the technology fair or being saved from an unsafe crate of watermelons which this type of conflict can be applied to a lot of real life situations and especially on the Internet nowadays when big names in the community who have done something so irredeemable in the eyes of their fans and followers make endless excuses trying to get out of a jam to the point where they even start blaming the victims for their flippant behavior rather than taking responsibility for what they did and facing the consequences head-on which is in my opinion the right thing to do whereas those who I used to follow in the Thomas and My Little Pony communities continue to do the opposite and have pretty much normalized that type of behavior in their own fandoms which reminds me of a certain group of people who I won't bother naming!
And while we're on the subject on untrustworthy engines, this is where Diesel comes into play in our story of which I also like how he was taking advantage of Sonny since it's pretty much in character for him and I'd dare even say that it's actually better than what we got from last season in the episode 'Diesel Do Right' yet one bit of criticism I have to give is that I kinda wish the episode gave Diesel more of a reason on why he would take advantage of Sonny like perhaps telling him about how he believes that Duck made the trucks laugh at him on his first day thus telling lies about him calling the big engines rude names to the trucks causing Duck to be sent away before the truth was eventually found out since this sudden taking advantage of Sonny felt like it came out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever to me but I won't deny that it had a good moral that everyone deserves a second chance which reminded me a lot of quite a few episodes from the fourth generation of My Little Pony whether it be Season 2's 'Luna Eclipsed' where Princess Luna tried to redeem herself during the Nightmare Night festivities after her troubled past in the series pilot or in Season 6's 'No Second Prances' where Starlight Glimmer was able to find common ground with Trixie whom Twilight Sparkle couldn't trust after her previous encounters only to see that Trixie truly had changed her ways especially after she had used Starlight Glimmer's friendship to one-up Twilight Sparkle in said episode.



Looks like all that it took in order to get the twenty-fourth season of 'Thomas & Friends' back on track again was truly giving the series a second chance: while I wish that Diesel's involvement in the story could've had a bit more focus in order to give a reason for him being here in the first place, everything else about 'Sonny's Second Chance' from the visuals to developing Sonny as a character in order to redeem himself and start a new life on Sodor helped make this episode a serious improvement after yesterday's car-wreck and that is why I'm giving this episode a rating of a 4.5/5.

Final Score: 4.5/5

About the Author: True Blue

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