ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Henry's Health and Safety

July 10, 2021


Hey all, JF here, and today we’re gonna take a look at the good and bad of health and safety.
Of course, now more than ever, practicing health and safety has become a vital part of how we live our lives. In a way, it’s what keeps us alive and teaches us how to keep others alive. But what about our friends on Sodor? Well, that’s something Henry has to discover. But will he do so in a way that keeps everyone safe, or will this episode do more harm than good? Let’s begin.
After an accident sends Henry to the Steamworks, Victor tells him to keep a watchful eye and look out for his health and safety, a concept unfamiliar to the old engine. It’s not long before Henry starts noticing things that could start an accident, so he takes it upon himself to clear up the tracks.
Yeah, you can probably guess where this story will go. It’s your typical ‘three strikes’ formula episode with the same bad writing you can typically find in these episodes, including a weak plot, overbearing narration, terrible dialogue, the whole shebang. The only notable thing to bring up here is the voice acting. I don’t know what happened, but Season 14, as well as Misty Island Rescue, was definitely the worst time for the show’s voice acting. That’s nothing against the actors themselves, but for some reason, at this period of the show, the deliveries came off as entirely stiff and almost tired, especially in the US dub.
However, there is one additional problem that I have to bring up regarding the story. Throughout the episode, Henry decides to move Percy’s trucks of wire and poles out of the way until he learns his lesson. But is it just me or was Henry in the right in this episode? I mean, once you think about it, those trucks were left completely out in the open where an engine could easily crash into it, or a telephone pole could fall off onto the rails. Hell, the latter scenario does legit happen! If anything, I was completely siding with Henry’s plight.
Other than that, Henry’s Health and Safety is a pretty lame outing. It’s your typical three strikes episode that somehow has you rooting against the lead for doing the right thing. I wouldn’t really recommend you check it out. Consider that my warning for your health and safety, and as such, I’ll just give this episode a 2/5.

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