ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Thomas Comes to Breakfast
August 14, 2021
Man. Talk about iconography.
Thomas Comes to Breakfast could arguably be one of, if not, the most famous Thomas and Friends episode of all time. Widely being considered a favorite among fans, countless references to the episode are being made, and even spawning a genre of parody videos with other characters like Henry or Rosie being put in Thomas’ place. But how is the episode itself? Is it worth all the fame and praise, or is it a case where I don’t get the hype? Let’s get into it.
Do I even need to explain the story? We all know how it goes: Thomas is told he could work without his driver, he’s teased by his peers, he decided to prove it by going off on his own, he crashes into the station master’s house, bada-bing, bada-boom. Everyone and their grandmother knows this iconic tale, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. In fact, I’d personally call this some of the finest of Season 2!

One aspect I particularly enjoy here is Thomas’ characterization. I love how one snarky comment makes him conceited and boastful, it really feels in character for him. I also like how when he starts moving by himself, he immediately learns what he’s doing isn’t right. Another aspect I enjoyed was the pace of it all. This could be because of the four and a half minute runtime, but the episode wastes no time getting into the action and going into the conflict without having everything in between feel like it’s drawn-out or rushed.
Finally, the best aspect of this episode is the dialogue. The way the characters interact and play off of each other is not only in character, but it can also get pretty funny at times. This is also helped by the narration from Ringo Starr and George Carlin, who deliver these lines with a lot of finesse and comedic inflections when necessary. This is especially the case with how Starr delivers the line “You miserable engine! Just look what you’ve done to our breakfast!”.
I know this was one of my shorter reviews, but honestly, do I even need to say what’s so great about this one? It’s bleedin’ Thomas Comes to Breakfast. It comes with the same great characters, memorable quotes and solid pacing that made it such an icon to begin with. I’d highly recommend it to any Thomas fan, whether they’ve seen the episode or not. It’s truly deserving of its iconography, as well as earning a perfect 5/5. Now, if you excuse me, I need to enjoy myself a good breakfast...even if it's nearly midnight at the time of me writing this.
Thomas Comes to Breakfast could arguably be one of, if not, the most famous Thomas and Friends episode of all time. Widely being considered a favorite among fans, countless references to the episode are being made, and even spawning a genre of parody videos with other characters like Henry or Rosie being put in Thomas’ place. But how is the episode itself? Is it worth all the fame and praise, or is it a case where I don’t get the hype? Let’s get into it.
Do I even need to explain the story? We all know how it goes: Thomas is told he could work without his driver, he’s teased by his peers, he decided to prove it by going off on his own, he crashes into the station master’s house, bada-bing, bada-boom. Everyone and their grandmother knows this iconic tale, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. In fact, I’d personally call this some of the finest of Season 2!

One aspect I particularly enjoy here is Thomas’ characterization. I love how one snarky comment makes him conceited and boastful, it really feels in character for him. I also like how when he starts moving by himself, he immediately learns what he’s doing isn’t right. Another aspect I enjoyed was the pace of it all. This could be because of the four and a half minute runtime, but the episode wastes no time getting into the action and going into the conflict without having everything in between feel like it’s drawn-out or rushed.
Finally, the best aspect of this episode is the dialogue. The way the characters interact and play off of each other is not only in character, but it can also get pretty funny at times. This is also helped by the narration from Ringo Starr and George Carlin, who deliver these lines with a lot of finesse and comedic inflections when necessary. This is especially the case with how Starr delivers the line “You miserable engine! Just look what you’ve done to our breakfast!”.
I know this was one of my shorter reviews, but honestly, do I even need to say what’s so great about this one? It’s bleedin’ Thomas Comes to Breakfast. It comes with the same great characters, memorable quotes and solid pacing that made it such an icon to begin with. I’d highly recommend it to any Thomas fan, whether they’ve seen the episode or not. It’s truly deserving of its iconography, as well as earning a perfect 5/5. Now, if you excuse me, I need to enjoy myself a good breakfast...even if it's nearly midnight at the time of me writing this.
Final Score: 5/5
About the Author: JF the LOLZOR