ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Pouty James (Five Years Edition!)

November 27, 2021


And now, a word from ThomasNATION's founder, Jainil Devani...

"James. Dependable, reliable and seldom late… we all think he’s great! But sometimes, splendid ol’ James can be a little tepid, and sometimes straight up pouty. This episode is one of the later gems to come out of the golden Brenner era. Remarkably, I’ve always thought that team of writers wrote James exceptionally well. For ThomasNATION’s fifth anniversary, the team’s reviewing this episode again, and I’m the founder, Jainil, writing this foreword. For those unaware, this was the very first review we published on the blog. For me, a lot has changed since then. My life’s turned upside down, downside up and then some. And so has the world, since 2016. And even though our cheeky little tank engine and his pals have undergone some...changes, to say the least, I firmly believe this community and this group of fans will forever have the true, unbridled spirit of Thomas the Tank Engine at heart. Be it in Gordon’s TRS illustrations, or Mitton’s gorgeous sets; Arc’s staggering animation or even jumping locomotives (hey, we all watched it at least once), this fandom, this family just really loves that little Number One Tank engine and his friends. As cheesy as that sounds, I held on to the little Take-n-Play Thomas to get through a lot of tough times, and somewhere along the way, ThomasNATION was born. It was just a simple blog, to review episodes and post updates. I stayed with it for about a year, till I found myself swamped, and then a few years down the line, TN’s back in steam, and I’m so happy it is! This is just a little platform for fans to talk about fields of green and sandy yellow beaches. So happy five years of TN, and here’s how the team feels about Pouty James five years on..."


Hey all, JF here, and man. Five years.

Remember back in the olden days where Season 20 was pretty much brand new? When TN was just starting out and we put out a review of everyone on board voicing our views on a particular episode? The way ThomasNATION has changed in that span of time, especially in its overhaul in 2020, was pretty much unreal. But now it's time we look back to our first ever review: Pouty James. Does it still hold up five years later, or is it true that time is a cruel mistress? Let's begin.
The plot starts off with James undershooting, overshooting, and just plain being a showoff, putting a damper in his work. This isn't negotiable behavior for Sir Topham Hatt, so he decides he's had just about enough about his attitude and takes his coaches away. This causes James to sulk, pout and go about having a fit. The other engines decide to mock him, but James is unamused.

Back when this episode first premiered, I went on to call it the best episode of the CGI series, and subsequently, Season 20. Looking back on it now, while it's still a great episode, I have to admit that I may have given it a little too much credit.

One thing that really works with the episode is its comedy. While it isn't as funny as I remember, I'll at least say that the funniest scenes are where we see James being mocked by his peers. This is mainly due to both the animators and the voice actors behind the engines.
Another thing I like here is that I feel like Andrew Brenner really nails James' personality. In the later seasons and even in areas before, it can often seem like his only personality trait is that he likes his shiny red paint. Here, we really get to see the self-absorbed and snooty nature of James. Some could say this could make him a little unlikable, but I didn't have a problem with him here.
So all in all, does Pouty James still hold up after five years? Yes it does. With a hilarious sense of humor and all around great understanding of James, it still may not be the season's best like I claimed it to be, but it's still a fun time. As a result, it remains a 4.5/5.


It’s been a while… but here I am to do another review for a special feature. Looking at Season 20’s Pouty James. Now if I’m honest, James has never been a favourite of mine, He’s okay and I can definitely see why people like him but in my opinion, I find most of his episodes… well, samey, to say the least, and when they do try something different (a la Tale of the Brave) I find it feels too stretched. I mean, James is vain, sure, but he’s not a villain. Pouty James (And Season 20’s other James episode - All in Vain) are not like that - and I love that. 

Pouty James follows James being his normal cocky self. The Andrew Brenner era loved to play up to that and at first it was definitely amusing (The filmmaker in me really loved the Shining reference), but after a while, it grew old fairly quickly, before being scolded by Sir Topham Hatt and pouting. Despite trying to better himself he continues to pout and is punished again. It’s at this point where he learns to smile more, thanks to Thomas and Emily. 

The best part of this episode is how it forces James to learn his lesson and how he fails the first time round. A fair few stories both official and fanmade can feel simple and can fall into the category of “Character is an idiot > Character is punished > Character learns their lesson." Continuing on from his lesson and showing how James isn’t given a clean slate is a really fun take and I’d love to see this more episodes. 

There's very little in this episode I disliked, but if I had to pick something I’d say James’ cockiness at the beginning went on for a bit too long. Most kids watching would know who James is and even if this was their first episode. The scene in the shunting yard or with Phillip gives you enough context to know what you need to know about James, and I feel it would have been more interesting to see James sulking in his shed or improving his attitude at the end. Though I will say this didn’t ruin the episode for me at all.

I really enjoyed the characterisations in this episode, particularly James himself. Each of the secondary characters felt right here. Thomas is very cheeky at first but does change his ways to help a friend, Emily is the first to try and advice James, Gordon and Henry are the ones who begin teasing James (it’s incredible how Henry is more in character here than he had been for years) and even Stanley - unofficial king of the background characters - is given a couple of scenes to shine. It’s really nice to see and is one of Brenner’s strongest attributes.

I’ve seen a lot of people criticise the ending and honestly, it doesn’t bother me. Yes, James goes back to how he was but that was expected, since Thomas and Friends is a very unique show. It’s got a plethora of lore and world building spanning 75 years and at the same time, it’s a kid show. It’s got morals to teach and toys to sell. With how television shows, particularly young kids television, has been in the last 10-15 years, episodes have to stand alone. References and recurring characters are great but you never know if this is someone's first episode or their one hundredth. 

Overall, I’d give Pouty James a 4.5/5. It’s a great episode from one of the best seasons of the show and where I finally learned to like James. 

True Blue

Ah, James...I know you like being the center of attention, but your showing off is getting way out of hand...especially when it comes to what happens in our next Season 20 episode-Pouty James!
James likes to show off and be the center of attention...but when he goes too far and the passengers start complaining, Sir Topham Hatt takes his coaches away leaving James feeling very pouty. I'll be honest, this was an episode that I was rather split on when I first heard about it five years back since I thought that James had learned his lesson of not being a show-off by now ever since last season with the episode 'Philip To The Rescue'. But I did my best to go into this episode with an open mind and this proved to be better than I ever expected.
When it comes to the story, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I think this episode handles the concept of James being a show-off far better than in any other episode I've seen especially with the comedy and just how relatable it was for me in terms of the moral. Allow me to explain: for those who don't know, I suffer from really bad anxiety and depression because of a very rocky past of relentless teasing and bullying and I've found it hard to keep a positive perspective in the face of adversity for the past few years because of what happened back then. So to see an episode where I pretty much see myself in the shoes...uh, wheels of James with trying to stay positive despite life being difficult really makes this a relatable episode for me since it shows that Thomas the Tank Engine will always be there for me to show a way for me to overcome life's obstacles. Uhhhh, hey, Mattel, you sure that you don't have cameras secretly following me?
As for the animation, this episode should've been called 'Pouty Memes' as I can tell that the team at Arc was having a blast with this episode when it came to the different pouty face designs for the engines and trying hard not to laugh. I, for one, just know that these many different faces will soon be made into jokes and memes by the entire fandom.
And when it comes to the characters, like I said, James was so relatable in this episode when it came to keeping a positive perspective in the face of adversity and how going around in a sulk can result in nothing but trouble for everyone else around you - so to that, I say bravo to Rob Rackstraw for a simply splendid performance!
Overall,  even after five years, 'Pouty James' remains among one of, if not my favorite episode of Season 20, and as such gets a rating of a perfect 5 out of 5.

Final Rating from JF: 4.5/5
Final Rating from MrOliver1997: 4.5/5
Final Rating from True Blue: 5/5
ThomasCONCLUSION: 14/15

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