Thomas' Grand Birthday Bash! - ThomasNATION Fanstory

November 20, 2021


It was a calm autumn’s morning on Sodor. Everyone was waking up to start their day, especially Thomas, who was particularly excited.
“It’s finally here!” he cried as he woke up. “It’s finally my birthday!”
Thomas’ whooping and cheering woke the other engines at Tidmouth Sheds up from their slumbers.
“Oh, Thomas,” Gordon moaned. “pipe down, will you?”
“Sorry, Gordon,” Thomas laughed, “I’m just so excited because today’s my birthday!”
Percy was a little bit puzzled. “How can an engine have a birthday?”
“I think it’s when they celebrate the anniversary of when they were built.” Emily explained.
“Yes, and today’s mine!” Thomas squealed in joy.
“Don’t get too excited, Thomas,” Gordon grumbled. “you still have a lot of work to do.”
“Yeah,” James added on. “I even hear Sir Topham Hatt’s got a really important job for you. A ‘special special’, if you will.”
“Really? How so?”
“Well, he just felt like giving you one. No real explanation there.”
“Yeah, exactly,” Rebecca chimed in. “but it’s a bit of a long one, so it gives us enough time to de…”
The other engines in the sheds signalled Rebecca to stop. Thomas noticed this in confusion.
“...I mean…enough time to decide on when we can all have a new…glamorous…luxury…fancy dress party?” At that comment, Gordon sighed in defeat.
“...okay.” said Thomas. “Hey, speaking of parties, do  you guys wanna do something later? Maybe go about the island celebrating?”
Simultaneously, the Steam Team were declining. It almost looked as if they didn’t want to hang out with Thomas.
“Hm. Alright, I guess if you’re all busy,” Thomas said, slightly disappointed as he left the sheds. “I should probably go check with Sir Topham Hatt to see what my job is.”
As Thomas left, the other engines turned to Rebecca. “Nice going, Rebecca,” James scolded, “you nearly blew it!”
“I’m sorry,” Rebecca muttered. “I’m not good under pressure.”
“Alright, we have 13 hours to get this started,” said Nia, “but first, we need to get Thomas off the island.”
“Leave that to me,” said Emily.
At Knapford, Thomas was just pulling into the platform where Sir Topham Hatt was waiting.
“Ah, Thomas!” he exclaimed. “Just the engine I needed to see.”
“Yeah, I heard you have a special job for me?” Thomas asked.
“I do, but before I tell you, I have to say: happy birthday!”
“Oh, thank you, sir!”
“Now, I need you to go to the logging halt in Tidmouth and pick up some wood,” Sir Topham Hatt explained. “what we need are some fresh birch logs for-”
“Wait!” Emily cried as she raced into the station. “I have a better idea.”
“What if instead of the birch logs, he collected Jobi logs?” Emily explained. “From Misty Island?”
“Misty Island?” Thomas asked. “Why there?”
“Well, Jobi logs are much more strong than the puny little birch logs,” said Emily, “and what’s our best export for Jobi?”
“...Misty Island?” Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt responded simultaneously.
“That’s a brilliant idea, Emily!” cried Sir Topham Hatt. “But Thomas, I need you to be back by 4.”
“Uh, sir?” Emily called out. “If possible, can we have Thomas back at 7?”
“Why 7?” asked  Thomas 
"Yes, why then?" continued Sir Topham Hatt.
“...uh, no reason.”
Sir Topham Hatt wasn’t fond of the idea. “4:30. Final offer.”
“But, sir…”
“Final offer, Emily…
Emily looked on in shock. Her plan was going completely awry!
“Now. Off you go, Thomas.” As Thomas left, James and Nia pulled into the station.
“So how’d it go?” Nia asked.
“Guys, we have a problem. Sir Topham Hatt won’t let him come home at 8!”
“What?!” James cried. “Now what?”
“I think I have an idea…” whispered Nia.
Soon, Thomas was en-route to Misty Island, but he briefly stopped by the Search and Rescue Centre for some extra coal.
“Mornin’, Thomas!” called Harold. “Happy birthday, mate!”
“Aw, thanks, Harold,” Thomas blushed. Then, he noticed Nia pulling up to the platform with Jack and a truck full of boulders.
“Oh! Uh, hi, Thomas!” Nia cried.
“Nia, what are you doing here?”
“...nothing. Just…just sitting here. With Jack.”
Soon, Thomas was filled with coal and was ready to go.
“Oh, Thomas, before I forget,” Jack called, “happy birthday!”
“Thanks, Jack!”
“Wait,” Nia pondered. “it’s someone’s birthday?”
“What? I literally said it was this morning.”
“...I don’t remember that.”
Thomas was a little puzzled as he entered the tunnel. And as soon as he went in, Jack left the flatbed and went to work, piling Nia’s boulders in front of the tunnel entrance, blocking Thomas off.
“Oi, lads!” Butch called out. “What are you doing?”
“Just trust us, Butch!” said Nia. “We’ll have it cleared in a little while.”
Thomas had finally made it to Misty Island. It had been a while since he visited the mysterious place, so he had a look around to refresh his memory, until he rolled up to the logging station, where he was greeted by some old friends.
“Hello, Thomas!” three familiar voices called out. Thomas immediately knew who it was. It was the Logging Locos - Bash, Dash and Ferdinand.
“Hey, guys! Long time no see!” Thomas cried.
“I know, it feels like forever!”
    “We thought we’d never see you again!”
        “That’s right!”
“Yeah, I guess that’s one good surprise today…” Thomas chuckled, before looking glum.
Bash noticed his friend’s sad face. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” sighed Thomas. “it’s just…well, it’s my birthday today, and-”
“Really?!” interrupted Bash.
    “Happy birthday, Thomas!” cried Dash.
        “Wowzers!” gasped Ferdinand.
“Wow, I…uh, thanks,” Thomas continued. “if only my friends on Sodor noticed.”
“How come?”
“Well, no-one at Tidmouth Sheds even acknowledged it’s my birthday, so I’m just a little lonely. No big deal.”
“Oh, don’t say that, Thomas!”
    “You still got us!”
        “That’s right.”
“Thanks, guys,” Thomas sighed.
“Tell ya what,” said Bash. “you’re not spending your birthday alone. I’ll have Dash and Ferdinand set up a little birthday bash for you.”
“What about you, Bash?” asked Ferdinand.
“Well, I’ll keep Thomas occupied, maybe catch up a little.”
“Ah, okay, that makes sense.”
“Thanks, Bash, I really needed this.” Thomas smiled.
“No worries, bud,” Bash said as he chuffed off with Thomas. “Now, you two? Ya guys wanna get started?”
“Yeah, absolutely!” Dash exclaimed. “Meet us at the depot in three hours.”
While Dash and Ferdinand were putting together Thomas’ birthday party, Thomas and Bash decided to have some fun at all the different places in Misty Island while they caught up.
“Whoa, did you really get trapped in a Steelworks?” Bash asked as they approached the zip-line bridge.
“Yeah, it was really scary,” Thomas explained. “but I soon escaped with a group of experimental engines.”
“Wow, experimental engines, lost pirate ships, monster footprints and a Great Railway Show?” Bash cried in excitement. “Jumpin’ Jobi wood, you’ve really done it all!”
“That’s nothing!” Thomas laughed as he rode the zip-line bridge. “Wait until I tell you about my world tour!”
“Whoa, what?!” Bash gasped. “You went on a world tour?!”
“Sure did!” Thomas went on. “That’s how I met my friend Nia.”
“Wow!” Bash chuckled. “…wait, who’s Nia?”
Before Thomas could answer, Harold hovered over the island. “Thomas! You have a mail call!”
“A mail call?” Thomas pondered. “Now?”
Harold landed as the mailman read Thomas his letter. It was a birthday greeting from Ashima!
“Wow!” Bash gasped. “You’ve got friends in India?”
“Oh, yeah!” Thomas explained. “One time, I even starred in a Bollywood movie!”
“Wowza! You’ve really come up in the world, Thomas!” Bash exclaimed. “But, I gotta ask. If you’ve got all these friends from all over the world, why are you only concerned with six not wishing you a happy birthday?”
“Well, I’ll be honest,” Thomas explained. “while those guys in India, and Brazil, and so on, they’re all great, don’t get me wrong. But it’s the Steam Team who I feel like have been with me through thick and thin, through all my good times and bad.”
“These guys are really good friends then?” Bash asked.
“No, they’re not my friends.” Thomas sighed. “They’re…well, my family.”
“I know how you feel, Thomas,” Bash sympathized. “Sometimes I feel like Dash and Ferdinand are my family. And sometimes, I feel like they don’t care for me at all. But I always remembered: even when it doesn’t seem like it, they’re always there for you.”
“Yeah, sure…” Thomas sighed.
Not wanting to see his friend down, Bash looked at the clock. It had only been two and a half hours. “Tell ya what, I think the three hours are nearly up. You up for a little party?”
“...yeah, I guess.”
Soon, Thomas’ birthday bash was in full swing. The Logging Locos were dancing and laughing and overall having a ball. Thomas wanted to do that, but it wasn’t the same without the Steam Team there alongside him.
He looked at the depot’s clock. It was only 4:15. At this point, he wasn’t sure what to do. But at least he could try and have fun…wait, 4:15?
“4:15? It’s 4:15?!” Thomas cried in terror.
“Yeah, what’s the matter?” asked Dash.
“Sir Topham Hatt told me to be back with a load of Jobi wood by 4:30!”
“Oh, no!”
    “We gotta get goin’!”
        “Does this mean the party’s over?”
            “’Fraid so, Ferdinand!” Bash cried. “Come on, we gotta get going!”
Thomas and the Logging Locos quickly loaded up with Jobi logs and headed through the tunnel. They puffed at their top speed, trying to get through the tunnel on time, but…the tunnel was blocked off.
“What?!” Thomas screamed in horror. “What happened?!”
“We’re trapped!” cried Bash.
    “This is the end!” yelled Dash.
        “Heeeeelp!” screamed Ferdinand.
Soon, it was nearly 7 o’clock. Nia had taken Jack back to the tunnel to clear the boulders and let Thomas through.
“Alright, Jack,” Nia said, “work your magic!”
“Nia?!” a voice cried from inside the tunnel. “Is that you?!”
Don’t worry, Thomas!” Nia called out. “I’ll get you out of there!”
“Oh, thank you, Nia!” Thomas said in relief.
“We’re saved!” cried Bash.
    “I knew this wasn’t the end!” yelled Dash.
        “Yeah!” chuckled Ferdinand.
“Thomas, who’s in there with you?” asked Jack.
“Just the locals of Misty Island!” called Thomas.
"Is that Nia?" asked Bash.
"No," laughed Thomas. "that's Jack!"
Jack quickly went to work on clearing the boulders. He got a good start, but then, trouble arose. Jack’s engine started spluttering and halting, until it ceased.
“Oh, dear…” Jack sighed.
“Huh?” asked Bash from inside the tunnel. “What’s happened?”
“I broke down!” Jack cried. “I can’t help you out of here!”
“We’re doomed!” whimpered Dash.
“Not yet, Dash!” said Thomas. “Nia will think of something. Right, Nia?”
Nia thought for a moment, but then got a great idea. “I think I got it!”
She then went all over the island, looking for the other members of the Steam Team. Once they were all rallied together, a chain was attached to the largest boulder while Nia and the Steam Team pulled.
“Ready?!” Nia called. “PULL!”
The Steam Team started pulling as hard as they could. They tried with all their might, and they even felt a nudge or two, but it still wasn’t enough.
“Oh, they’re never gonna make it!” cried Bash.
“...yes, we will!” Thomas announced. “Everyone! PUSH!”
Thomas and the Logging Locos pushed from inside the tunnel until finally, they managed to escape the tunnel. The Steam Team cheered in delight, until Gordon noticed...
“Oh. It’s them.” Gordon sighed when he saw the Logging Locos.
“Hey, guys!” Percy chirped to the trio.
“Thanks, you guys,” Thomas said to the Steam Team. “I was worried I was gonna have to spend my birthday in a tunnel.”
“Wait, it’s someone’s birthday?” James asked.
“I don’t know,” Emily responded. “is it Ferdinand’s? It’s probably Ferdinand’s."
Thomas chuckled. “Guys, you can stop. I know what’s going on.”
Gordon then glared at Rebecca again. “Really, Rebecca?”“
What did I do now?” Rebecca asked.
“No, Rebecca did nothing wrong.” Thomas laughed. “I know you’re only pretending just for fun.”
“Okay, you got us,” Emily smirked. “Happy birthday, buddy.”
“Thanks,” Thomas smiled.
That night, Thomas, Annie, Clarabel and the Logging Locos were headed back to Tidmouth Sheds.
“So, why did you want me to bring Annie and Clarabel?” Thomas asked.
“I dunno,” Bash chuckled.
    “Beats me,” Dash snickered.
        “That’s…oh.” Ferdinand smirked. “My, my, what’s that?”
Thomas gasped. Tidmouth Sheds was decorated from top to bottom in streamers, balloons and banners. The Steam Team, both old and new, had put together a massive birthday bash for Thomas!
“SURPRISE!” the Steam Team hollered.
Thomas couldn’t believe what he was seeing!” Guys, I…what is this?”
“What does it look like, bud?” Edward laughed. “We decided to throw you a surprise party!”
“Yeah,” Henry added on. “that’s why they were trying to get you off the island.”
“You’re not too mad at them, are you?” Toby asked.
“Mad? Are you kidding?” Thomas said in disbelief. “This is incredible!”
“Hey, Thomas…” Bash smirked.
“Yeah,  Bash?”
“Ya wanna tell them what you told me earlier?”
“Oh, right.” Thomas responded as he stepped forward. “See, today I realized you guys aren’t really my friends. In a way, you’re kind of my family.”
“Aw, thank you, Thomas!” Rebecca smiled.
And the night went on as Thomas had possibly the best birthday bash an engine could have.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, THOMAS!” the engines cried.

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