
ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Thomas, Percy and the Dragon

February 02, 2022

Ever since Percy first came to the Island Of Sodor to help out Edward when the other big engines went on strike, he has made so many great friends whether they ride the rails and roads or hover in the air. But his best friend on the North Western Railway has always been the Number One Engine himself Thomas. Sure, they may get into disagreements from time to time, but they always find a way to strengthen their friendship in the end with a happy toot of their 'best friends whistle' as they tell each other everything. But after the time that Percy scared Thomas into thinking he was a ghost after an accident all those years ago, it just seems like he won't let his number one best friend hear the end of how terrified he was even when Thomas knew it was only his friend playing a trick. If only there was some way for Thomas to get some payback on Percy to see how it feels on the other end of the stick, and with the arrival of a rather unusual load, he might just get his chance. Let's find out what happened as we celebrate the Chinese New Year with 'Thomas, Percy And The Dragon'!

THOMAS, PERCY AND THE DRAGON: Percy teases Thomas about being frightened all the time, but the tables turn when Thomas is delivering a Chinese dragon in the night

Unlike in 'Thomas Gets Bumped', I think this story merger actually works with the whole 'being afraid' scenario that this episode was going for since it flowed nicely but I also think this is where Percy's 'scaredy cat' trait started off from and I think it makes him stand out more from Thomas to be honest. It was also nice adding some culture towards the show like the introduction of the famous Chinese Dragon: even though they say carnival, it would better if they've mentioned 'Chinese New Years' since that would bring more cultural diversity towards the show without being an engine from another country but I guess that's where Season 22's 'Thomas And The Dragon' comes in which is also an amazing episode in my book. The music for the Chinese Dragon was spot on by Mike O' Donnell and Junior Campbell and it also brings some culture as well, I also love the dark atmosphere and I like the message the episode gives that we can't be brave all the time but also don't be afraid to tell your friends since they may just understand your fears too.
But there are two downsides towards the episode: first, there is no brake van at the back of Thomas' train minus a flatbed with a tarpaulin over it with a red light but not at the end. And second, wouldn't it be better if a tarpaulin would be over the dragon or have its lights turned off? I mean, what would happen if Thomas' cinders and ashes landed on the paper dragon or a light bulb burst setting it ablaze, that's just a fire hazard waiting to happen at that carnival in my opinion! Though there are some cons towards the episode, I still enjoy it for what it is: the story is great, the music is great and it brings some culture towards the series that doesn't feel forced at all and that is why I'm proud to give 'Thomas, Percy and the Dragon' a fiery rating of a 4.5 out of 5.

Final Rating: 4.5/5

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