Homesick for the Holidays - ThomasNATION Fanstory
December 25, 2023
Normally, through most of the year on Sodor, Nia is always a happy, curious and helpful engine. She would keep going around the island, telling fun jokes and lending a wheel wherever she can. But every December, things tend to change. She would still be helpful, clearing snow and delivering presents, but there would be several instances where she would go to the docks and just...sit there. No one knew why, mostly because she didn't ever talk about it, and it kept baffling her friends, until a week before Christmas.
"She's doing it again." Thomas whispered to Percy.
"Who's doing what?" asked Percy.
"Nia." replied Thomas. "She's sitting at the dock again."
Percy looked over and saw. He noticed something a bit different. "Y'know, I never noticed this before, but she looks a bit sad."
"She's always been sad, Percy." Thomas said. "I don't know why. Maybe we should go over and ask her?"
"She's been doing this for four years," Percy thought, "and we never thought to ask her what's wrong? Are we bad friends?"
"We might be," Thomas sighed. "Come on."
Thomas and Percy chugged over to Nia. She was looking out to the sea. Upon seeing this, Percy was starting to piece it together.
"Hey, Nia," said Thomas, "you doing okay?"
Nia quickly snapped out of her state. "Oh! Thomas! Uh, sorry, I was"
"Looking out at the sea?" asked Percy.
"Yeah, I'm just reminiscing about that time I sailed all the way from San Fransisco to China. It was a good day, y'know?"
"Oh, that's it?" asked Thomas.
"Well, that's good, I'm glad nothing's wrong."
"Hold on," Percy interrupted, "are you sure that's it? If you're just here to look back on that, why are you so sad?"
Nia started to look a little bit sadder. "I'm not sure I want to say."
"Come on, Nia," said Percy, "we're your friends. We'll understand."
Nia sighed. There was no way out of it. "Okay, that's not it. It's just...well, this is when me and my old friends would attend the Christmas markets in Dar es Salaam. All the lights, and music, and the most amazing Christmas fair you’d ever see."
Thomas realised what was up. "Oh."
"Yeah, it's been so long since I've seen them, and celebrated the holidays with them.
"I'm so sorry, Nia." Thomas said, sympathising with his friend. "I never considered that."
Nia tried brushing this off with a smile. “Don’t be, it’s been five years, I’m used to it. Plus, I have new friends over here, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Okay,” Percy said as he and Thomas disembarked. “you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Honest.”
As Thomas and Percy left, Nia claiming she was fine stuck in their minds, because they couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t.
Thomas and Percy thought on how to help Nia all throughout the day and all throughout the night. By the time the sun rose the next morning, as the two sat at Knapford, they were stumped.
“She said she doesn’t matter,” thought Percy, “so maybe we should keep out of this?”
“Percy, people only say it doesn’t matter when they want someone to get off their backs.” explained Thomas. “We can’t let her be alone for Christmas.”
“But she’s not alone.” protested Percy. “And what do you want us to do? We’re only two little engines. We can’t just up and bring her to the Christmas fair.”
Thomas thought about that last statement. All of a sudden, an idea flew into his funnel. “Then we bring the Christmas fair to her!”
“Bring it to her?” thought Percy. “You may actually be onto something.”
“Exactly!” Thomas proposed. “Africa’s not that long a boat trip. We can get Nia’s old friends and bring them here for the holidays.”
“That sounds a bit complicated.”
“I know! I love it too! Uh, you can get someone to cover the mail train, right?”
Percy was stunned by what Thomas said. “What do you mean?”
“You’re coming with me.” Thomas explained.
Just then, the stationmaster’s whistle blew on Thomas’ platform. “Oh, that’s the whistle, I gotta go. We’ll discuss this later, yeah?”
As Thomas left, Percy had a million questions. “No! Wait! Let’s discuss this now!” He swiftly gave chase to Thomas through his branchline.
“What’s wrong, buddy?” asked Thomas. Clearly, he was shocked Percy was chasing him.
“What do you mean I’m coming with you?” asked Percy.
“You didn’t think I could navigate Africa by myself, did you?”
“But you’ve been to Australia, and China,” Percy panicked, “those are massive countries.”
“Africa’s not a country, Percy,” sighed Thomas, “it’s an entire continent. I would’ve gotten totally lost there if it weren’t for Nia. I practically owe her one. And as much as I hate to admit it, I can’t do this alone.”
Percy thought about this for a second before eventually, he conceded. “So when’s the next ship to Africa?”
“Later, at 2:15.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad.”
“At midnight. That way, Nia doesn’t catch on to what we’re doing.”
“Ah. Got it. But what if she asks where we are?”
“Good point. I’ll talk to Sir Topham Hatt about that…and all of this later. It may take a lot of convincing, but I think I can get him on our side.”
And with that, the two kept talking about their mission, their plan finally being in motion.
Against all odds, they managed to get Sir Topham Hatt’s blessing and they were off to Africa! It was a long trip - it took them a couple nights, even - meaning time was running out for the duo by the time they docked at Dar es Salaam.
“Ah, Dar es Salaam…” Thomas breathed in the warm air of Tanzania. “It’s good to be back here.”
“Okay, let’s do this.” Percy smiled. “How long do we have until Christmas?”
“Oh, that’s easy, we only have…” Thomas looked over at a local calendar. It was December…21st! “…four days?!”
“What?” whimpered Percy. “But I thought it was gonna be an overnight trip here!”
“That’s how I remember it!”
“Oh, bust my boiler!” Percy hyperventilated. “We’re never going to get back in time to help Nia!”
“Nia?” asked the crane at the harbor. “You two know Nia?”
“Yes, Mr. Crane!” called Percy. “Actually, we’re here to help her out.”
“Really?” the crane gasped. “Hey, aren’t you that tank engine I loaded onto a ship to Rio?”
“Yeah, that’s me.” chuckled Thomas. “Don’t suppose you can help us out in any way?”
“Please, Mr. Crane?” begged Percy. “We haven’t got a lot of time.”
“Anything for a friend in need.” chuckled the crane. “And please, just call me Kobe.”
“Kobe. Right.” said Thomas. “Do you know where we can find the Christmas fair?”
“Easy,” explained Kobe, “it’s right next to Tazara Station. Ya can’t miss it.”
And with that, Thomas and Percy were finally back on track.
Before long, the two had hit Tazara. The fair was massive - the lights and the music were just as beautiful as Nia described.
“Okay, Percy,” said Thomas, “keep an eye out for Nia’s friends.”
“How do you know who to look for?” asked Percy.
“I met one of them when I first came here. His name was-“
“Thomas?” asked a familiar face. “Is that really you, my friend?”
Thomas and Percy looked over to see Nia’s friend Kwaku. “Oh, hi! How are you, Kwaku?”
“I’m not so bad myself, Thomas.” chuckled Kwaku.
“Excellent. Anyway, can-“
“How’s your wheels?” interrupted Kwaku. “How’s your boiler? How are your pistons? Are the-“
“All that’s great, Kwaku,” Thomas interrupted back impatiently. “Sorry, it’s just that we don’t have a lot of time.”
“We?” asked Kwaku. “Ohh! Who’s your little friend?”
“Hi, I’m Percy.” said…well, you can probably guess. “You must be Kwaku. Nia told me all about the letters she sent you.”
“Ah, I always look forward to those letters, Percy.” Kwaku laughed. “Hey, how is Nia?”
“That’s why we’re here, actually.” Thomas began. He told him all about how homesick Nia had been every Christmas and their plan to bring the fairs to Sodor.
“Wow. That’s…a very noble idea, Thomas.” said Kwaku. “Nia must mean a lot to you two.”
“Yeah,” Percy explained. “Nia’s one of our best friends. She’s helped us out with our problems all the time for the five years she’s been on Sodor, it’s time we return the favor.”
“Well, then, that settles it!” Kwaku chortled. “I’m in!”
“Great!” Thomas smiled. “Now, where do we begin?”
“I might have a few ideas…” thought Kwaku.
As it does every year, Christmas had arrived on Sodor. The Steam Team woke up to a thick blanket of snow, glistening candy-colored lights and…a strange invitation.
“What do you mean we’re needed at Brendan Docks?” asked James.
“What do you think, James?” groaned Gordon. “We’re needed at the docks. Sir Topham Hatt said so.”
“But it’s Christmas.” Rebecca pondered. “I mean, I like being useful, don’t get me wrong, but I was looking forward to a day off.”
“I’m sure it’s just one little job.” chuckled Emily. “Then, we can-“
“Uh, guys?” said James. “Are you seeing this?”
The Steam Team looked around to see what had happened. Brendam Docks was covered from top to bottom in amazing decorations. The patterns, the lights, the decor, it was a feast for the eyes. And at the center of it all was Thomas and Percy.
“Hey, guys!” Thomas smiled. “Merry Christmas!”
No one was in more shock than Nia. “What? Are you for-what’s going on?”
“We felt bad that you couldn’t go to the Christmas fair in Africa,” Percy explained, “so we brought the fair to you!”
“Yeah. Against my better judgement.” Cranky groaned, covered in decorations.
“Oh, come on, Cranky!” laughed Carly. “You look great!”
“Never said I didn’t,” said Cranky, smugly, “but the three of you better not get used to me looking like this.”
“Hold on,” asked Nia. “What do you mean “the three of you?””
Then, from out of the shadows, came Kwaku. “Merry Christmas, Nia!”
Nia was overjoyed to see her old friend. “Kwaku?! Is that really you? What are you doing here?”
“Thomas and Percy invited me.” replied Kwaku. “I must say, your new home is more beautiful than I could’ve imagined!”
As the two caught up, Salty approached Thomas and Percy. “Twas a very grand quest ya went on, lads. I haven’t seen Nia this happy in ages.”
“Really?” beamed Thomas.
“Really.” chuckled Salty.
“Thomas, Percy!” called Nia. “This is amazing! I can’t thank you two enough!”
“Anytime, Nia.” Thomas smiled as the lot of them enjoyed a very different Christmas, but still a fantastic Christmas.
About the Author: JF the LOLZOR