
ThomasNATION Reviews - Valentine's Hearts

February 08, 2025


Well, next week is officially Valentine's Day! And to be perfectly honest...I'm not too big a fan of the holiday. I should state that this is purely my own preference, since I can't recall ever having an outright bad Valentine's Day - I've just always preferred holidays like Christmas or Halloween over it. Even when Thomas put in an episode set on the holiday, it's always been...there? I'm one of the few people who enjoyed Rosie is Red, but at the same time, it isn't anything to write home about, once again proving that my Top 10 on the best BWBA episodes is probably my most outdated list to date. But then we get to this episode: Valentine's Hearts. Will I end up loving this one or is this the Thomas equivelant of a heartache? Let's begin.
Valentine's Day falls upon Sodor and Kana doesn't know what to bring to a party and then...okay, first problem right outta the gate. The episode is very unfocused. It starts off with Kana not knowing what she's gonna bring to a party, and at first I was expecting something like Batucada where it was gonna end with the message that Kana just had to be herself, and she does come to the conclusion that she just needs to generate a heart using those weird emoji things she does. That's a nice lesson, showing that everyone brings something unique to the table, but here's the thing: it comes in halfway through the episode. So if the lesson is already learned, what's left?
Well, remember when I said episodes like Dragon Run where it felt like it was being made up on the spot? That's what I feel like happened with this one. It felt like the episode already wrapped up halfway through, so the second half just feels needlessly drawn out. Overall, it feels like some scenes were swapped around - like if Kana figured out she could've generated a heart emoji after stopping Sandy's heart, then it would tie together a bit better.
But overall, Valentine's Hearts is a mess. It could've been something more worth your time, but as it is, it's about as pleasant as a breakup on Valentine's Day. However, it's not gonna kill you if you decide to watch it, it's very 'in through one ear, out the other' and while nothing's gonna be gained from watching it, nothing is gonna be lost either. But as is, I'm gonna give this a rating of a 1.5/5.

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