#XmasAtThomasNATION: Christmas Celebrations 2024!

Christmas Celebrations 2024!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now on the brink of Christmas season!

It's time to cap this year off with some good old fashioned festive fun!

Festive Classic Review - "Keeping Up with James"! Will the return to Edward and James' rivalry stand the test of time?

Read on December 7th!

2. Festive Classic Review - "Merry Winter Wish"! Will the three strikes formula make or break this episode...probably break?

Read on December 14th!

3. Festive Movie Review - "The Christmas Letter Express"! It's the first Christmas movie of the franchise, but does it manage to pull through?

Read on December 21st!

4. Two Special Christmas Fanstories! James, Percy and Toad are on a race against the clock in "The Present Train"!

Read on December 24th!

Harvey goes out to make his Christmas wish a reality in "Harvey's Holiday Wish"!

Read on December 25th!

Enjoy the holidays, folks!

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Happy holidays!

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