Duck and the Flowers - ThomasNATION Fanstory

May 28, 2022

It was the end of a busy day on Sodor. As the sun dimmed, Duck had one last job to do, and that was to collect empty coal cars from Tidmouth Sheds. When he got there, he noticed Sir Topham Hatt was addressing the Steam Team.
"Listen up, everybody," he said firmly, "tomorrow, a ship will be coming in from India. Now, usually, Thomas would be taking off on the ship to help out on the railway, but he's away at the Steamworks."
"What happened to him anyway?" asked Rebecca.
"His coupling rod snapped," responded Sir Topham Hatt, "and he won't be out again until tomorrow afternoon."
"Can't you just reschedule?" asked Emily.
"I tried, but Charubala needs Thomas as soon as possible to help set up the annual flower festival in Varkala, so, I'll need one of you to substitute for him."
This led to a varying response. Some engines wanted to go, some engines didn't.
"I'll go, sir!" chirped Nia. "I've been to India before!"
"Oh, please not me," Percy whimpered. "I'm too scared."
"Only a splendid engine like myself should be taking this job!" said James, pompously.
"I won't do it!" huffed Gordon. "Who will look after the express?"
"Well, this is peculiar. I can't decide. I'm just going to have to pick at random and go from there, maybe even draw from a hat-"
"What if I go?" asked Duck.
Sir Topham Hatt was taken aback at this suggestion. "You, Duck? But what about your duties on your branchline?"
"I'm sure Oliver won't mind the extra workload," said Duck. "besides, I've always wanted to sail beyond the horizon. This might be a good opportunity."
"Well...alright, Duck." Sir Topham Hatt sighed. "I'll call Charubala tomorrow and let her know the change. Now, you have to go to the docks first thing in the morning in order to catch your ship. Goodnight, everyone."
As Sir Topham Hatt left, the Steam Team looked at Duck.
"Are you sure about this, Duck?" asked Emily. "India's such a long way away."
"Give him a chance," said Percy. "he once told me he wanted to go to far away lands. Besides, I know Duck, he'll know what he's doing!"
"Thanks, Percy." chuckled Duck. "Now, I have to get some sleep before my big expedition tomorrow."
"Why not take the spare berth?" asked Rebecca. "Thomas won't be home tonight."
"Oh. Thanks, Rebecca." replied Duck. "Let me just drop off these coal trucks first."

The next day, Duck had arrived on the Indian railway. Everything was all so new and different to him. So many unusual colors. So many strange animals. But regardless, he loved it! It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. He admired his new surroundings as he pulled into Varkala Station. There, he saw a very unusual engine - it was Thomas' old friend Rajiv. "Hello, there!"
Rajiv looked at Duck. "Oh. You're not Thomas."
"'Fraid not. He's having trouble with his coupling rod, so Sir Topham Hatt sent me in his place. I'm Duck."
Rajiv laughed. "Your name is Duck?!"
Duck rolled his eyes. "It's Montague, really, but everyone calls me Duck because everyone likes to say I waddle."
"Duck will be helping us with the flower festival, Rajiv." Charubala said as she approached the two of them. "First off, Duck, I need you to collect some decorations from Surajpur. There's a line of boxcars in the shunting yard for you to take."
"Yes, ma'am." replied Duck. "You can count on me."
As Charubala left, Rajiv turned to Duck. "Now, I know what you're thinking, Duck. 'Wow! Take a look at his crown!' Bet you don't have engines this glamorous on Sodor, eh?"
"Can't say we do...erm...sorry, I never got your name."
"Oh, right. I'm Rajiv. The pleasure is all yours."
Duck chuckled. "Well, Rajiv, I think I know an engine named James you might like."

Soon, Duck pulled into Surajpur Station with his train. The stationmaster was highly impressed with the Great Western engine.
"You must be Duck!" said the stationmaster. "You're here for the decorations, I assume?"
"Yes, sir, I am." replied Duck. "Sorry if I'm a little late, I've never been here so I didn't know my way around. I wouldn't be here right now had Noor Jehan not pointed me in the right direction."
"Oh, not to worry! What matters is that you're here now. So what say we get started?"
"Alright, then. Take your time, no rush."
As the decorations were loaded onto Duck's train, Ashima pulled in pulling a chain of flatbeds.
"Ooh, hello." Duck said. "Ashima, was it? From the Great Railway Show?"
"Yes, I am," Ashima laughed. "and you're Duck, right? Sorry to hear about Thomas' accident. It must've been so painful."
"It's all fine, Ashima," said Duck. "I'm sure he's back on his branchline again, safe and sound."
As the two talked, Duck couldn't help but notice the cargo on Ashima's train. Her flatbeds were being loaded with all sorts of exotic flowers! "Wow. What's all that fancy flora?"
"Those are the flowers for the festival." Ashima explained. "There's a whole bunch of bougainvilleas, dahlias, lotuses, jacarandas, marigolds, all the best flowers from all parts of the world."
"Wow!" Duck gasped.
"Only problem is, there's so many here that it'll take me forever to get them to the festival in time."
"Why don't I take your load for you?" Duck suggested. As he spoke, Shankar pulled into the station.
"I don't know," Ashima thought. "won't it just take up more time for you?"
Duck chuckled. "There are two ways of doing things, Ashima, the Great Western way and the wrong way."
"Just let her do things the Ashima way, Duck." grumbled Shankar. "Besides, you have your own jobs to do."
"Can't hurt to help her out though, right?"
"She can manage. Right, Ashima?"
Ashima thought about this. "I'm siding with Duck on this one."
"Duck, I know you want to help," sighed Shankar, "but you can't just go about doing other engines' jobs all willy-nilly. Charubala is expecting all these flowers by sundown"
"Then how about this?" Duck thought. "I take half of Ashima's train while she takes the other, so we're both really useful."
Shankar thought on this. "That's...not a bad idea. Very well then. I'll allow it."

Soon, Duck had his own train of flowers to pull. As he rolled through the countrysides of India, he took a moment to admire the sights, the sounds, the smells, the...well, everything. That was until he had to stop at a junction, where he met up with Rajiv again, who was decorated in the finest flowers.
"Hello again, Rajiv!" said Duck. "Don't you look fancy."
"Why, thank you, Duck," snooted Rajiv. "I've been selected to lead the great parade, so I have to look my best."
"Ya certainly did a bang-up job at that." chuckled Duck. "Anyway, I should be headed off, I need to get this half of Ashima's load to Varkala. Doesn't help that I'm running a bit behind."
"Then just do what I do when I'm running late," laughed Rajiv. "take a shortcut!"
"A shortcut?"
"I know this great line through the tiger safari line that goes straight to Varkala! It's only a measly 20 minutes!"
"But...tigers?" Duck whimpered. "I won't lie, I'm a little scared of tigers. They don't have any on Sodor."
"Relax, Duck!" Rajiv laughed. "Tigers are rare and hard to find. I've only ever spotted one in my life. You'll be fine!"
"Okay, Rajiv," Duck sighed. "if you say so."

Duck and Rajiv rolled through the safari line. Duck tried to be enthralled by the wildlife like he was before, but he was still on edge about seeing a tiger.
"Still nervous about tigers?" asked Rajiv.
"A little." said Duck. "You're sure they're hard to find?"
"Positive, Duck," laughed Rajiv. "you've got nothing to worry about!"
Just then, a loud crash raged through the forest, startling Duck. "What was that?!" But before anyone could think, Duck rammed straight into a branch, derailing.
"Duck!" cried Rajiv. "Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine! Just go on without me!" Duck panted. "Before the tiger gets you!"
"Tiger?" asked Ashima. "You two spotted a tiger?"
Duck was a little baffled. "Ashima? What are you doing here?"
"I had to get more banners," Ashima explained. "but I took a wrong turn and crashed into some old trucks."
"Oh, so that loud noise was you!" Duck chuckled. "My apologies."
"Now all that needs to be sorted is getting you back onto the tracks," said Rajiv. "but I think Noor Jehan's got the breakdown crane."
"Oh! I have just the idea! I'll be back in ten minutes!" said Ashima as she rushed off. As she left, a big gust of wind blew through the forest, sending the flowers in Duck's train flying out...and onto Rajiv.
"Uh, Duck?" chuckled Rajiv. "I think your flowers like me."
"Oh, so they do!" laughed Duck. "Now, how do we get them back in the truck?"
"No idea." said Rajiv.
"Hmm...what would Thomas do?" asked Duck.
"Again, I've got nothing." said Rajiv. "He's never dealt with this sort of thing."
"Well, there's got to be something." thought Duck, before an elephant started bumping into him. "Whoa, what the..."
"Duck, this is Trusty Trunky!" laughed Ashima. "She helped Thomas back onto the rails a while ago."
"An elephant put him on track again?" Duck smiled as Trusty Trunky nudged him onto the rails again. "This place is full of surprises."
"Um, Rajiv," Ashima said, holding back laughter. "you've got a little, uh..."
"Oh, this?" Rajiv smirked, still covered in flowers. "I thought I'd try to start a new fashion trend. Like it?"
"It's very smart, Rajiv," smiled Duck, finally on the rails again. "but I believe we have a station to get to?"
"Very well," Rajiv responded. "I'll lead the way with my newfound flower power!"
"Be careful, though," called Duck. "we don't want those flowers falling off."

That night was the Flower Festival, and everyone was having the time of their lives with all the flowers, games and festivities. But the real star of the show was Rajiv. Everyone loved his new look!
"I've never seen you so popular, Rajiv." gasped Shankar.
"I guess the marigolds really bring out my eyes," Rajiv snickered. "and I have no one to thank but Duck."
"It's my pleasure, Rajiv." smiled Duck.
"So what's next for you?" asked Ashima.
"Duck has to head home in the morning." responded Charubala.
"Oh, but can't he stay a little longer?" begged Rajiv.
"I can't, I'm afraid," said Duck. "I have work to do back on Sodor. But I'll be sure to come back sometime soon. Maybe even with Thomas. India's perhaps the most beautiful place I've ever visited, there's no way I'm not coming back."
"Well, I for one cannot wait until you do," smiled Shankar. "you've been a great help to us all."
"Well, Shankar," chuckled Duck, "I'm just doing things the Great Western Way."
And with that, he and the engines of India enjoyed the night as he thought about where he could go next. But at day's end, he still believes that the best type of travel is the one we could only dream about. Don't you?

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