
ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Percy Takes the Plunge

May 27, 2023


The iconography of Percy Takes the Plunge is one that can only be rivalled by Thomas Comes to Breakfast. People still talk about it to this day, countless references are being made, and it became a massive subject for tons of TOMY/TrackMaster remakes for years. But the question remains: does it hold up? That's the big question in all this, since I went and reviewed Thomas Comes to Breakfast a couple years ago and that episode is still fantastic, so there's quite a lot riding on this one. So, is it worthy of being called one of the most famous Thomas episodes to date? Let's begin.

We all know the story to this one, Percy gets cocky about dealing with bad weather, Henry gets annoyed, Thomas warns Percy not to go past the danger sign, Percy cheekily disobeys, and the unfolding events makes him take a dip in the quay.

Just like Thomas Comes to Breakfast, what makes the episode really work is how the lead is presented. While Percy is normally portrayed as timid and more fearful than the rest of the crew, here he's presented as just as boastful and cheeky as Thomas. Normally, this wouldn't work for a character like Percy, but considering the context of the episode, it does work. I'll also admit it does have a great message about there being consequences to certain actions, which is a pretty great moral for the younger crowd.

However, one thing that holds it back a smidge is that compared to other "legacy episodes" of Thomas, this one isn't as memorable or quotable. Not to say that this immediately makes the episode bad, but aside from the titular plunge, not much happens to set it apart from the others. I think, at most, it's the way they just casually introduced Bill and Ben.

But overall, is Percy Takes the Plunge worthy of an iconic status? Yes. It may not be the most memorable, but itā€™s held up by a nice message and a pretty unique portrayal of Percy. I wouldnā€™t go in expecting a Thomas Comes to Breakfast, but at the same time, itā€™s still worth a watch, which is why Iā€™m gonna give this a 4.5/5.

Final Score: 4.5/5

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