
ThomasNATION Reviews - Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

June 03, 2023


If you were to ask any longtime fan of Thomas the Tank Engine what their thoughts were on the Brenaissance period of the original television series as a whole, they would more often than not tell you that the 2014 full-length special 'Tale of the Brave' is not only one of the greatest movies from this era but also one of the best movies of the whole franchise - like, I'd go full on top five. For those who don't remember, 'Tale of the Brave' is a movie about the show's three main characters - Thomas, James, and especially Percy, and it delves into their friendship together. While you could make the argument that the movie drags a little in the middle or that stupid yet catchy pop song at the end which turns out wasn't the song that former series composer Robert Hartshorne wanted to use, 'Tale of the Brave' was such a sneaky movie since it marketed itself as an exciting adventure movie about monsters or whatever. You go in expecting to see the gimmick of the week, you leave having seen a wonderful character study of the series' three leads. It was heartwarming, down to earth, and overall, a great watch, and if the original series ended there, I wouldn't have complained.
As you can imagine, it's gonna be really hard for this reboot to top this action-packed adventure sixty-five million years in the making from the original series when it comes to this dino dig of a delivery that we're about to go on with our team of engines on the way to the Vicarstown Museum of History, which unfortunately means the dinosaur skeleton that Percy unearthed in 'Tale of The Brave' never happened (lame) but was this dino dig an experience that only comes along once in a lifetime or was this adventure one that is doomed to forever be extinct, the answer is...yeah, I can see why a majority of adult fans in the fandom think that Mattel has made this beloved franchise very gimmicky ever since they became the new owners. 
While I can appreciate the strong use of vocabulary like palaeontologist which is something you didn't even hear in Jack and the Pack's 'A Visit from Thomas' and the song "Feet, Tailbone, Ribs and Claws" while just a dino-themed version of 'Head, Shoulders, Knees And Toes' is still a cute little song for kids to sing along to, you would think that these engines especially Carly and Sandy who are apparently supposed to be experts in assembling things together due to being a team for maintenance would know by now what a dinosaur looks like when they are assembling its bones with all of the dinosaur discoveries that they made over the years in the original series - see, this is why I keep saying that Gordon is the best character of this entire reboot.
Let me tell ya, I really wanted to like this episode, but this dinosaur was nothing more than a dino-snore to get through and that is why I unfortunately have to give 'Tyrannosaurus Wrecks' a rating of a 2/5.

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