
ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Gordon and Ferdinand

March 16, 2024

So this is a genuine question Iā€™ve had about the Logging Locos is ā€œdoes Ferdinand even have a personality?ā€. Some could say heā€™s goofy, dopey and not all that bright, but at the same time, all the Logging Locos are. The only things that makes him stand out are his design and his "that's right" catchphrase. But that's why we have the "Logging Loco Reward" trilogy, to flesh out these characters and allow them to hold their own. I mean, Bash's episode turned out passable and Dash's episode...existed. So how does Ferdinand do on his own in the episode that started the whole trilogy? Let's begin.

Sir Topham Hatt announces that he's giving the Logging Locos their own rewards for being really useful, beginning with Ferdinand, whose job is escorting the Lion of Sodor to the Duke and Duchess' summer house with Gordon. But Gordon grows jealous of Ferdinand's popularity and...you know the drill.
It's the standard three strikes formula that plagued the Miller era. Y'all know the one, and the episode doesn't add anything new to spice it up like what Toby and Bash did. The story itself doesn't even make any sense, since...well, why were the Duke and Duchess taking a statue over the summer? I have no idea, the episode doesn't explain why.
But perhaps the biggest problem with the episode is that out of the three episodes in the "Logging Loco Reward" trilogy, this one doesn't really have an identity. The other two episodes threw in a different twist to keep them a touch interesting, like Toby taking Bash househunting and Dash teaching Emily how to do birdcalls. Here, it's just Gordon and Ferdinand delivering a statue...and that's it. It doesn't do anything for Ferdinand's personality, he's still a one-dimensional dope and nothing is added.
Overall, Gordon and Ferdinand is not a good one. Is it the worst of the season? That's a hard no, but it is the most bland. The story is repetitive and nonsensical, and there's no sense of purpose, ergo there's no reason to give it a watch. I'll say this, though, it does go in one ear and out the other, meaning as forgettable as it is, if you do feel inclined to watch it, you're not gonna do any damage. But again, there's no identity to this one, so it's a 1.5/5 from me.

Final Score: 1.5/5

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