
All In Vain: ThomasNATION Review (by ThomasFan3000 and Team)

January 17, 2017

Oh, finally a new post! I've been busy preparing the quiz, but here's the new episode review! By ThomasFan3000.

"All In Vain." It seems not wrong to say that this batch of episodes - "All In Vain" and "Buckled Tracks & Bumpy Trucks" got overshadowed by the last three episodes, whose excitement is hard to keep quiet. But, anyways, the episodes have come! And while the counterpart of this broadcast is a bit dull in my opinion, "All In Vain" stands to be an almost-perfect story! Let's get on with the review:

James is a wowza engine, with that air of pride, awesomeness around him - a character you'll instantly fall in love with. He's got that packed charm, and that "perfect and awesome" air around him... He feels lovely, and every time he comes on screen, it mostly proves to be a good story. 

Helen Farrall, the writer who wrote masterpieces - the likes of "Henry Gets The Express", "Lost Property," "Over The Hill" - gives us a wonderful story for this episode as well. 

The story begins with the star, James. The Fat Controller comes to the conclusion of letting him pull a special train for him and The Mayor to go to the Ball at Callan's Castle. This results in the unfolding of a good, jolly funny sequence, quite amusing at some points. Edward's disappointment is registered in a comment, which was nice to see. The start proved to be quite entertaining, yet missing something I can't quite put my finger on - so that's that.

Moving on, James has to finish all him jobs on time, now, so he can make time for the special train. This is when the episode goes good, and goes where its meant to be - explore James' personality, his reactions and actions when placed in quite a peculiar situation - and the output is marvellous. When James goes about to do his jobs, he meets Cranky. The addition of "Here's James" felt only natural. Cranky's reaction is spot on. He doesn't care where the boastful engine's got to go, or what he's gonna do later - He doesn't care about James' special. And his snorts here were perfect.

The way he reacts after spilling sugar is only obvious - he feels satisfied that he's managed to hinder James' day, and his dialogues and tone deliver it very well. Slowly, as we move on, the sugar becomes sticky, and naturally, James goes to be dirtier and dirtier - at the end he's completely covered. 

But an important thing the team did here was - James doesn't lose heart! He does get fed up, but he still isn't pouty as before! He gets over it quickly - He isn't sad, complaining... he isn't pouty. It was an incredible work, incorporating James' previous lessons to this episode.

He's worried, he still has lots of jobs - but he's confident he can do them, and denies Edward's help. This shows how pumped he is about his job, and he's willing to work harder and faster to make it all fine - but little does he know, its all in vain.

So, James goes on - exhausted, dirty but still with heart - at the Washdown. The cleaning is done, and James is 100% positive. But then comes the breaking point - A SCRATCH ON HIS PAINTWORK! This felt more than natural - it felt automatic, perfect - James' character in this episode was SPOT ON. He was positive, happy and full of heart - he worked through it all, like he learnt to do in "Pouty James" but no! This is breaking point! No scratch on my paintwork, sir! And so the engine now finds a solution and chases it, in hopes of doing his job perfectly...

James rushes off to the Steamworks, once again confident that he'll be able to get everything done in time. He asks Victor to repaint him, and says that the wind and his speed would dry him. But that's where he's wrong, of course. Twigs, branches and leaves are stuck to his paint, and he's no longer able to collect the Mayor and The Fat Controller. At this point, you feel bad for James. He was commited to his work, fought through it all, and even after getting a scratch he tried to be perfect - but he couldn't - it was all in vain. But couldn't he have ignored that scratch?! That's the lesson we learn.

Edward now pulls the Mayor and The Fat Controller's train. It was really good to see him get this supporting role - it suited him. The next morning, The Fat Controller tells James that he could've been perfect - had he not been so stuck up about that scratch. This is a really valuable lesson. Up to that point, James was perfectly ready - full of heart, ready to go. But his goose chase about that little scratch rendered all his hard work in vain! 

So, James is taken to The Steamworks again, and repainted. The Mayor offers him to pull his train for a dinner at Vicarstown (Don't these people have cars?!) and James gleefully agrees. He's happy. The Fat Controller's nod was wonderful to watch. 

The episode is concluded, and the end is wonderful as well! James says "Thank You" but also adds cheekily - "I know..."

This episode explores and portrays James' character exceptionally well. He hasn't forgotten what he's learnt from his previous days (Pouty James) - and that's why I give this team kudos for this episode. He also retains all his characteristics seen before, and the whole story is beautifully written.

The Dialogue delivery was spot on, and the animation was as always, breathtaking! The music was wonderful as well!

All in all, Season 20 gets yet another wonderful episode! I give it a whole solid 4.7/5... I just loved it so!

Rating: 4.7 / 5

The other members had great to average ratings to offer to "All In Vain." 

The Ratings:

  • Andy (Wellsworth1888): 5 / 5
  • Dan (Dakeslayer11): 5 / 5
  • Jainil Devani (ThomasFan3000): 4.7 / 5
  • Jack Frefigs (JFtheLOLZOR): 4.1 / 5
  • Chris (BlueSunil): 4 / 5
  • Ollie (MrOliver1997): 3.75 / 5
  • Lana Naoum: 3 / 5

ThomasNATION Rating: 4.22 / 5

See You soon for another review! Bye!

About The Author:

ThomasFan3000 - Jainil Devani
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