ThomasNATION Classic Reviews - Halloween

October 24, 2020


Hey all, JF here, and today I’m bringing you a review that should fit the season just snugly!

Halloween is upon us, and if you haven’t guessed from the previous three reviews and our profile, we’re prepared up to a T. And what better episode to review on Halloween season than, well, an episode about Halloween? So without further ado, let’s get crackin’!

Halloween night falls on the Island of Sodor, and Thomas and Emily are sent out to fetch some iron from the Smelters’ Yard. Percy warns the pair to watch out for ghosts, but they take no notice…until they reach the Smelter’s Yard. Is the yard really haunted, or is it another one of ‘Arry and Bert’s tricks?

One thing I have to absolutely praise about the episode is the atmosphere of it all. The episode has a spooky tone throughout which allows it to feel a bit reminiscent to a horror film. In fact, if I did have to name the best scene in the episode, it would have to be when Thomas and Emily enter the main shed. The way the scene is shot, as well as the attention to detail, fog effects, and use of the red flood lights and even a small amount of strobe to emphasise the scare factor, makes the scene a pretty engaging fright, but not so much that it becomes too scary for the younger crowd.

Alright, so we know this episode works on a spooky level, but how does it work as an episode? Well, I’ll just say now that the story is pretty weak. The biggest problem with the episode is that it’s entirely predictable where once the conflict arises, you can guess every story beat from then on point for point.

Aside from that, there isn’t a whole lot to talk about. Halloween truly shines as a perfectly creepy episode that makes up for its weak story with a pretty solid scare. This episode is suited best as something to watch around or even on Halloween, and with that, it earns itself a 3.5/5. Not the best spooky episode, but it’s definitely a great watch for the season.

Final Rating: 3.5/5

About the Author: JF the LOLZOR

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