The Imposter - ThomasNATION Fanstory

October 31, 2021


(WARNING: This story may contain frightening imagery and scenarios not suitable for younger readers, as well as dark themes and a slight implication of gore. Viewer discretion is advised.)
It was a stormy autumn’s day on the island of Sodor, and Percy was hard at work pulling the mail train. On his travels, he encountered Thomas pulling Annie and Clarabel, and sped up to talk to him.
“Hey, Thomas!” Percy chirped, eager to talk to his best friend.
“Percy, hey, how’s it goin’?” Thomas greeted.
“Not too bad,” replied Percy. “just pulling the mail as I usually do. Actually, once we’re done, ya want to go shunting down at the quarry?”
“I’d normally love to, Percy,” Thomas responded, “but I can’t. I have way too much to do today.”
Percy’s smile faded, but he still understood Thomas’ reasoning. “Well, I guess that’s okay. I can probably manage myself.”
“Tell ya what,” Thomas continued. “I’ll be down to help with your shunting tomorrow, m’kay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
And with that, Thomas left, leaving Percy feeling almost abandoned as he rolled up to a junction. Toby pulled up beside him, noticing he was looking down.
“Hey, Percy, what’s wrong?” Toby asked. “You look a little glum.”
“I know, it’s just…” Percy responded. “this is the third time this week Thomas has denied my requests to have fun. I’m starting to wonder if he even wants to hang out with me anymore. It’s almost as if I…well, lost my best friend!”
“Don’t be silly.” said Toby as he comforted the green engine. “I’m sure Thomas is just really busy. I’m sure once he’s finished, he’ll have all the time in the world to play with you.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Percy frowned as the signal changed.
“Well, I best be off. Bye, Percy!” Toby called as he disembarked.
“Bye.” Percy sighed as he continued his journey.
The next morning, Percy was at Knapford picking up some mail for the Main Line, when suddenly…
“Hello, Percy.” a familiar voice said.
Percy looked around, and right next to him was Thomas, grinning at the green engine.
Percy inspected Thomas, as there was something different about him. His cerulean shade of blue was more of an azure shade, and a few of his other details, such as his rivets and handrails were gone. “Hey, Thomas…you doing okay?”
“Quite well.” Thomas responded, eerily. “I must apologize for denying your request to play yesterday. I would much love to shunt with you right now.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” Percy said. “I have to deliver the mail to-”
I would much love to shunt with you right now.” Thomas repeated, in a slow, condescending tone, but not breaking his grin.
Percy, clearly confused, eventually obliged. “Well…okay.”
He was uncoupled from his mail cars as a workman ran up to Sir Topham Hatt.
“Sir! Sir!” the workman cried. “Duck’s come off the rails at Maron, and I can’t find Rocky!”
“Calm down, mate.” Sir Topham Hatt responded. “I’m sure he’s-”
“Rocky is fine.” Thomas told the workman. “I have sent him to his shed until he is needed next.”
“But I’ve just checked his shed! He’s not there!” the workman cried again.
“Look once again and you will find him eventually.” Thomas said.
“Well, uh…okay?” the workman said as he walked off.
“Thomas, are you feeling okay?” Sir Topham Hatt pondered.
“Quite well.” Thomas responded. “Come along, Percy, those trucks are not going to shunt themselves, eh?”
Thomas left, and Percy followed, confused.
Afterwards, Percy was headed back to Knapford to collect his mail with Toby, still bewildered over Thomas’ behavior.
“I’m telling you, Toby,” Percy told the little tram, “there may be something off about Thomas.”
“What do you mean?”
“He kept speaking in a slow, condescending manner, and when me and him were shunting, he kept shunting one truck back and forth for an hour!”
“Hmm…that is most peculiar,” Toby thought. “I don’t suppose he’s been-”
“Hello, Percy and Toby.” Thomas said as he appeared in front of them as they approached some blocked off rails being inspected by the Sodor Construction Crew.
“AH!” Percy jumped. “Uh…hi, Thomas. What’s going on here?”
“There’s something wrong with this stretch of track,” Alfie explained.
“But it looks perfectly fine.” Toby protested.
“We know that,” Darcy explained, “but what he means is there may be a sinkhole beneath the rails!”
“Yes.” Thomas said as he crept towards Percy. “And wouldn’t it just be a shame if an engine just accidentally…slipped into that sinkhole? Leaving him alone? Abandoned? No way of getting rescued or freed from his suffering?”
Percy gasped in terror, looking deep into Thomas’ grin.
“Sudlvh wkh fudqh orug...” Thomas whispered.
But before Thomas could explain, he switched tracks and trundled off. “Farewell, Percy and Toby.”
“Okay, there is definitely something wrong with Thomas!” Percy cried.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen him behave like that.” Toby replied. “You need to get to the bottom of this!”
“Me?!” Percy shrieked in horror. “Why me?”
“Because you’re much braver than I am.” Toby explained as he left.
Percy was still confused, but he knew he had to solve this problem, even if it meant on his own.
Soon, night had fallen onto Sodor and Percy was headed back to the sheds, when he noticed a shadowy figure trembling in the sidings.
“Hello?” Percy cried. “Anyone there?”
“...P…P…Percy?” the voice cried.
Percy crept slowly towards the figure. It was Rocky, albeit looking completely traumatized.
“Rocky?” Percy asked. “What’s going on? What are you doing here?”
“Percy! Oh, thank goodness!” Rocky whimpered. “I saw the most terrible thing!”
“What happened?”
“It all started last night…”
Rocky explained his dilemma to Percy. The night before, Thomas and Rocky had been called to lift Diesel onto the rails after an accident, when they approached the stretch of track that the Pack had blocked off. But before they knew anything, they slipped right into the sinkhole. He stopped the story there, not wanting to go any further.
“What was in the sinkhole?”
“It’s too terrifying to say,” Rocky whimpered. “but heed my warning: if you see Thomas, with a darker shade of blue and always grinning…run.”
“There’s no time to explain, but…”
Then, Rocky stopped. He started hearing a faint whisper, which mortified him even more. “SUDLVH WKH FUDQH ORUG. SUDLVH WKH FUDQH ORUG.” whispered the voice.
“We need to lift Thomas back onto the rails!”
“What?!” Percy cried. “But you just said-”
“THERE’S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!” Rocky snapped. “Just go!”
“What was in that sinkhole, Rocky?!” Percy asked, growing impatient.
“I assure you, you don’t want to know!” Rocky cried. “Let’s just go!”
Soon, Percy and Rocky were at the scene of the accident. Rocky, still hyperventilating, lifted Thomas back onto the rails. Through it all, Thomas kept grinning creepily.
“Sudlvh wkh fudqh orug, Rocky.” Thomas said.
“Uh…and to you too, Thomas!” Rocky chuckled in fear.
Percy noticed in the distance was the blocked off track that Thomas and Rocky fell into. He uncoupled from Rocky and went over to investigate, pushing through the barrier, until…
“Hello, Percy.” Thomas said as he appeared in front of Percy.
“Thomas, let me through.”
“Oh, but why would I do that, Percy?” Thomas asked, his tone growing more and more unnerving. “Did you not hear the old saying ‘when you move close to a big discovery, pull back’?”
“I’m not scared of you, Thomas! Just let me-”
SUDLVH WKH FUDQH ORUG!!!” Thomas screeched as his facial appearance drastically changed before Percy’s eyes. His eyes were now black with red irises, his teeth were much more pointy and he was foaming at the mouth with a red liquid. You can probably guess what it is. Now this, Percy was scared of.
“What are you?!”
“Who’s we?!” Percy cried.
But before anyone could answer, the creature pulled Percy into the sinkhole.
“PERCY!” Rocky screamed. “NO!”
The creature pulled Percy into the sinkhole, through a red vortex and into an alternate dimension surrounded by fire and all sorts of demons.
“The Crane Lord?!” Percy cried.
Spider arms then shot out of the creature’s boiler as it scuttled off.
“HELP! HEEELP!” a familiar voice screamed.
“Hello?!” Percy called as he looked around.
“Percy! Up here!” the voice yelled. Percy looked up - it was the real Thomas, trapped in a cage!
“Thomas, don’t you worry!” Percy cried. “I’m going to get you out of there!”
NO YOU WON’T…” a voice bellowed through the dimension.
Footsteps thundered through the realm, and before long, Percy was face-to-face with the Crane Lord, a terrifying monster with cranes for arms.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY DOMAIN?!” the Crane Lord screamed.
“I’m getting my friend back!” Percy yelled.
“What has?”
Soon, the Crane Lord started unleashing his vengeance on Sodor. On several areas on the island, several fiery holes opened, dropping plenty of engines into the flaming vortex below to their doom. Percy could do nothing but watch in horror.
“No! No, please, stop! They didn’t do anything!” Percy whimpered as he watched in horror.
OH, DON’T FEEL LEFT OUT, PERCY!” the Crane Lord bellowed. Its crane arm grabbed Percy by the boiler and dangled him over the fiery vortex. “I’VE BEEN MEANING TO HANDLE YOU PERSONALLY.
“NO!” Thomas screamed.
Tearfully, Percy looked to Thomas. “…goodbye, my friend.”
The Crane Lord dropped Percy into the vortex, and…
…Percy woke up screaming in his shed. It was nothing more than a nightmare.
“Percy!” Emily said, having been woken up by Percy’s screaming. “Calm down, it was only a dream.”
“Wait…Emily?” Percy whimpered.
“You’re okay!”
“Uh, yeah. I am.” Emily was confused by Percy’s behavior. “Are you okay, though?”
“Ugh, shush!” Gordon bellowed. “Both of you, just go to sleep!”
Emily and Percy obliged and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Percy was at Knapford picking up some mail for the Main Line, when suddenly…
“Hey, Percy.” a familiar voice said.
Percy looked around, and right next to him was Thomas, cheerfully smiling at the green engine. Percy closely inspected him. He was still a cerulean shade and his rivets and handrails were still intact, but looks have been known to deceive.
“Hey, Thomas…are you, uh…are you doing okay?”
“Uh…quite well.” Thomas responded, cheerfully. “I have to apologize for not shunting with you yesterday. If you want, we can shunt right now.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” Percy said. “I have to deliver the mail to-”
“Oh, that makes sense,” Thomas chuckled. “I’ll just wait until-”
“WAIT!” Percy cried. “…say that again.”
“...uh, I’ll just wait until you’re done?”
“I see…and, uh, sudlvh wkh fudqh orug?”
“Huh? What’s going on?”
“THOMAS!” Percy screamed in delight. “IT IS YOU!”
“Come on,” Percy said gleefully as he uncoupled himself from his mail trucks. “those trucks aren’t gonna shunt themselves!”
As Percy left, Thomas can’t help but wonder what in the world just happened.
“Uh, Toby?” Thomas asked. “Is Percy doing okay? I know he had a nightmare last night, but I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’s just happy to be seeing his best friend again, Thomas.” Toby said as he disembarked.
Thomas kept thinking. “…what was his nightmare about, anyway?”

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