
The Secrets of the Island - ThomasNATION Fanstory (Part 1)

August 25, 2023

It was a clear summer's morning on the railway. Rebecca was at Knapford awaiting her coaches as she took in the morning breeze. It wasn't long before Thomas had approached the platform, ready for his morning tasks. He was particularly excited about what was going down later. He and Percy had an important job, but he didn't know what - all he knew is that it was important.
ā€œYou know,ā€ Rebecca smiled, ā€œit doesnā€™t get better than this, does it?ā€
ā€œNo, it does not,ā€ chuckled Thomas. ā€œThe sunā€™s out, the birds are singing, me and Percy have a special jobā€¦ā€
Just as Thomas was talking, Rebeccaā€™s coaches were suddenly coupled up to her. ā€œThanks, Percy!ā€ she said.
ā€œWhat did I do?ā€ asked Percy, who was right next to Thomas. ā€œThat wasnā€™t me.ā€
ā€œOh.ā€ Rebecca gasped. ā€œWell, if you didnā€™t shunt my coaches up to me, who did?ā€
ā€œI can answer that,ā€ said Sir Topham Hatt. To stay cool in the heat, he wasnā€™t wearing his usual topper, but rather his safari hat his mother gave to him.
ā€œNice hat, sir!ā€ said Percy.
ā€œIs it?ā€ sighed Sir Topham Hatt. ā€œIā€™m only wearing it to keep mother happy. Anyway, to adjust to the extra passengers, Iā€™ve had to bring aboard a new engine.ā€
Just as he was speaking, a dark blue tank engine pulled up to the station. ā€œHello, lads.ā€
ā€œEveryone, meet Ewan!ā€ Sir Topham Hatt introduced the engine. ā€œHeā€™ll be handling the extra shunting.ā€
ā€œNice meeting you, Ewan.ā€ said Thomas. ā€œDo you need any tips on where everything goes?ā€
ā€œNo thanks, Thomas,ā€ chuckled Ewan, ā€œIā€™ve been doing this since Iā€™ve been built. I can manage.ā€
Just then, the guardā€™s whistle blew. It was time for Thomas to head off. ā€œIā€™d best be off to my branchline. Let me know if you need any help, Ewan!ā€
Ewan was intrigued as he saw Thomas leave. ā€œThomas has his own branchline?ā€
ā€œYes,ā€ said Percy. ā€œhe got it after saving our friend James. Heā€™s another part of the Steam Team.ā€
ā€œWhatā€™s the Steam Team?ā€
ā€œItā€™s what the engines at Tidmouth Sheds like to call ourselves. Weā€™ve all got our own special jobs across the island. I, for one, take the mail.ā€
ā€œWow! And what about her?ā€
Percy glanced at Rebecca. ā€œThatā€™s a good question. Whatā€™s your special job again, Rebecca?ā€
Rebecca stopped for a second. She never really thought about that. ā€œWell, I usually take the express every other day.ā€
ā€œAh, okay, thanks.ā€ said Percy. ā€œShe and Gordon take the express train.ā€
ā€œOh, so she shares?ā€ asked Ewan.
ā€œYeah.ā€ As Percy and Ewan continued their conversation, Rebecca started thinking. Thomas had his branchline. Percy had the mail. James had the local train. Nia had her duties at the animal park. Emily was the safety engine. But what about her? What was Rebeccaā€™s purpose in the Steam Team?

Rebecca decided not to let this question hinder her work. She had another job to do at Brendam Docks, but she was still due for the express.
ā€œDo you want to have a go at the express, Gordon?ā€ asked Rebecca. ā€œItā€™s just that Iā€™ve got another job at the docks.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t mind if I do,ā€ smiled Gordon. ā€œAfter all, this is what Iā€™m best at!ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ Rebecca chuckled awkwardly, ā€œyou donā€™t have to tell me twice.ā€
As Rebecca left, she kept pondering about her purpose. She got so distracted by those thoughts that she didnā€™t notice Diesel approaching on an opposite track.
ā€œRebecca!ā€ cried Gordon. ā€œLook out!!ā€
But it was too late. Rebecca crashed straight into Diesel's flatbeds, derailing them and spilling oil all over the tracks. Knapford Junction was left an absolute pigsty.
While Diesel was completely livid, Rebecca was utterly embarrassed. "Sorry, Diesel! I wasn't looking where I was-"
"Oh, this is just typical of you, Rebecca!" yelled Diesel. "Can you seriously not go five minutes, five minutes without messing everything up?!"
"I'm sorry, but-"
"But I guess," Diesel interrupted, "it's easy for you to keep bumping in where you don't belong, because you don't belong anywhere!"
This really hurt Rebecca. "But I..."
"I mean, honestly, has it ever occurred to you that whenever you bump into an engine, or make a mess, that no one finds it funny, or quirky, they just find it embarrassing? And, by definition, they just find you embarrassing?"
At that point, Gordon couldn't take it anymore. He had to intervene. "Enough, Diesel. Leave her alone."
"Fine," Diesel groaned, "but that doesn't mean I'm not telling the truth, Rebecca, and if you had any respect for us, you wouldn't even be here."
And with that, Diesel left. Rebecca was practically on the verge of tears after everything he said.
"Don't listen to him, okay?" Gordon said, trying to console his friend. "He's just upset because of the crash."
Rebecca wasn't sure, sadly and silently puffing away to the docks.

As her trucks were being loaded at the docks, Salty couldn't help but notice her looking down. "Are ye alright, Rebecca?" he asked. "Not like you to be hangin' the jib."
"I know," Rebecca sighed. "I don't really want to talk about it."
    "Try us," said Ruth, who was at the docks to collect some parts. "You know we're here for you."
Rebecca conceded. "I made Diesel upset, and he said I don't belong here."
"Don't be so ridiculous!" Cranky chuckled as he unloaded a ship. "Everyone here's got a purpose, you just need to-"
Just then, Cranky's hook caught onto something really heavy. It completely disoriented him. "Heavin' hooks, what am I pulling here?!"
"Are you okay, Cranky?" asked Big Mickey.
"I'm fine, it's just..." Cranky panted, pulling up the heavy object, only to find it was...an engine!
"Hi." said the engine. "Is this Sodor?"
"Um...yeah?" said a confused Cranky. "Who are you?"
"Name's Hudson," the engine replied, "I'm travelling here with my sister."
"Sister?!" Cranky gasped, before immediately pulling up the other engine on the ship. "What's going on here?"
"I tried to talk him out of it." sighed Hudson's sister. "I'm Zeta."
Ruth immediately recognised the two. "What?! What's going on here, why are you here?"
"Ruth!" cried Hudson. "Long time! You still inventing?"
"Do you know each other?" asked a curious Rebecca.
"Yes," Ruth explained, "we worked alongside each other in America before I moved here."
Rebecca snapped out of her funk and decided to make herself useful. "Well, welcome to Sodor, you lot! I can take you on a tour on the place while you wait for a ship home."
"Really?" asked Hudson. "That'd be great! Thanks!"
Zeta rolled her eyes. "Hudson, are you out of your mind? We gotta stop this travelling thing and go home."
"Oh, you've been doing this often?"
    "Yep," smiled Hudson. "we've visited four countries before Sodor. All beautiful places, we'll tell you all about them on the tour."
"Great! Let's go!" said Rebecca.
    "You sure yer up for it, Rebecca?" asked Salty. "After everythin' Diesel said?"
"I'm sure this'll take my mind off of it." smiled Rebecca as she left. "Besides, what can go wrong on a tour?"
But oh, how wrong she was.

The three had just finished their tour that evening and were headed to Vicarstown to find a shed for the two newcomers, though currently invested in their conversation.
"So, you two have really been to Italy?" asked Rebecca. "My friend Thomas was there a few times."
"No way, really?" gasped Hudson.
    "Does he know about the lost engine?" asked Zeta.
        "Know about him?" laughed Rebecca. "He found him!"
"How'd he manage that?" pondered Zeta. "I thought he was stuck in a collapsed mine."
    "Honestly, I've never asked him." said Rebecca.
"Watch out!" cried a workman. Rebecca looked up to notice she was about to bump right into Ryan! She immediately hit the brakes, stopping just in time.
"Sorry, Ryan!" she said. "It was an accident."
    "I'm fine," replied a shocked Ryan. "certainly in better shape than the bridge."
"What?" The three looked over to see something they never expected or hoped to see. The Sodor Suspension Bridge had collapsed. A large crowd had gathered around the site, including Ruth who was inspecting the damage.
"What happened?" gasped Ewan.
"I've no idea, Ewan." said Sir Topham Hatt. "My guess is the foundations grew weak and unstable."
"But sir," said Ryan, "what about the main line?"
"I'll have to work around the bridge," said Sir Topham Hatt, "but with the walking bridge out of commission, I may have to cancel all trains to Vicarstown, perhaps implement renewed bus schedules. But let's just be glad that everyone is-"
"Hello?" cried a little voice from the other side of the wreck. Sir Topham Hatt swiftly looked over.
It was Thomas.
 Thomas was on the other side.
   With no way across.
    So was Percy.
     Thomas and Percy were trapped.
      I think you get my point with this little bit. They're stuck. Moving on.
"Thomas! Percy!" cried Sir Topham Hatt. "Are you two alright?!"
"We're fine, sir!" yelled Thomas. "We're just...um...a little stuck!"
"Oh, deary me..." Sir Topham Hatt sighed.
As the commotion unfolded, Ruth noticed something unusual about the collapse. "Uh, Sir Topham?"
"Just a moment, Ruth," said Sir Topham Hatt, "we'll need to find a shed for you two until the bridge is repaired."
"They can stay at Vicarstown!" called Henry. "Me and Rosie have some extra berths."
"You'd do that, Henry?" Thomas smiled.
    "Are you sure?" asked Percy. "We don't wanna be a burden."
"Nonsense!" laughed Henry. "You won't be burdens! You'll love it there!"
"Alright then, it's settled." Sir Topham Hatt said. "Repair teams, get to work, everyone else, head to your sheds."
"Where are we gonna stay though?" asked Zeta.
    "You can take Thomas and Percy's berths." he replied. "Goodnight, everyone."
And with that, the gathering adjourned, with everyone but Rebecca, Hudson, Zeta and Ruth staying behind.
"Ruth?" asked Hudson. "What did you wanna tell Sir Topham Hatt?"
"I wanted to tell him that I think I know how the bridge fell." replied Ruth.
    "What do you mean?" asked Rebecca. "The foundations were unstable."
"Normally, I'd agree with you," said Ruth, pointing to the collapsed bridge, which was looking suspiciously dirty. "but look at the strange scorch marks around the fallen pieces. That doesn't just happen, Rebecca."
    "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying someone wanted the bridge to fall." said Ruth.
This theory absolutely shocked the three engines as Ruth left.

That night at Tidmouth Sheds, Rebecca couldn't sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about the bridge, Ruth's theory...and maybe everything Diesel said to her.
"Are you okay, Rebecca?" asked Nia. "It's not like you to keep up all night."
    "I know, I'm still thinking about what Ruth said." pondered Rebecca. "What did she mean? Are there really terrorists on Sodor?"
"Terrorists?" asked James. "I thought it collapsed due to unstable foundations."
    "That's not what I heard, Ruth said the bridge was burnt down!"
"Wait, burnt?" interrupted Emily. "That didn't happen."
Rebecca was stunned by what Emily said. "What do you mean?"
"Bertie witnessed the bridge collapse. He didn't say what happened, but he said it was really loud."
"Huh," Hudson thought. "this actually goes way deeper than I could've imagined."
"Well, someone has to figure out what happened..." thought Rebecca. "...and I think that someone should be me."
"You?" asked Gordon. "Why?"
"Because maybe this is my purpose in the Steam Team!" Rebecca replied. "The reason I'm here involves solving that mystery!"
"Is that what this is about?" asked Gordon. "Rebecca, you still aren't upset about what Diesel said, are you?"
"No, because maybe Diesel was wrong! I'm meant to solve this mystery!"
The Steam Team looked at each other with worry. Was Rebecca destined to solve this mystery? Is there even a mystery to solve? But surely this will be just another simple adventure on the Island of Sodor...right?

To be continued.

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